Bus reservations
Get a bus ride
A reservation for the bus can be made from 5 pm.
You can make a reservation via telephone. +31 (0)118467063
If this number cannot be reached please try +31 (0)614 164080
Ritthemsestraat 498
4389 PA Ritthem - +31 (0)118 467 063
- info@missiontoseafarers.nl
- If it is not possible to contact our landline number between 5 pm and 11 pm, you can call 06-14164080
- Lijstitem
Ritthemsestraat 498
4389 PA Ritthem - +31 (0)118 467 063
- info@missiontoseafarers.nl
- If it is not possible to contact our landline number between 5 pm and 11 pm, you can call 06-14164080
- Lijstitem